Los mejores restaurantes con terraza en Teguise

218 restaurantes en GastroRanking

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Logan's Bar

Teguise, <20€

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Galeon Playa


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Jonnie Bakes


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No califica

Poco Loco

Teguise, <20€
21/12/2023: Poco Loco gran pequeña cafetería con fantástica comida casera saludable. Poco Loco super petit café avec une fantastique cuisine saine faite maison. Poco Loco, un piccolo caffè fantastico con cibo sano e fatto in casa. Poco Loco is a great little cafe serving fantastic healthy home made food. Plenty of choices, the portions are generous and the prices are very reasonable. Just call for beer, or try the best coffee in Costa Teguise. The cafe is located next to the surf shop, but serves fresh food and drink to everyone. Order at the counter where you will be greeted by the friendly Italian owner, Marika, who will explain all the dishes that are available on the day, there is always a good selection of veggie dishes. Great food, great prices and a lovely busy buzz. I always pay with cash, but cards are accepted.

No califica

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